
Inevitable Back Pain??

We are here to help!!

Consult our proficient health experts regarding your issues with torturing back pain.

Factors Causing Back Pain

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Uncomfortable Postures

If you are not keeping your postures accurate or if you are sleeping on a bad mattress that fails to support specific parts of the body keeping the spine stressed then, there is a greater risk of developing pain.

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Ligament Strain

Sometimes lifting heavy objects and a sudden awkward movement may strain back muscles and spinal ligaments.

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Ruptured Disk

Disks are cushion-like substance between the bones. Due to various reasons the soft material inside a disk can rupture and press on a nerve causing severe pain.

Skeletal Irregularities

Skeletal, irregularities refer to the abnormal curvature of the spine. Scoliosis is a common condition in which your spine curves to the side, leading to pain in back.

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Technically known as Osteoarthritis, is a narrowing of the space around the spinal cord, this condition is also called spinal stenosis. Which further becomes one of the reasons for pain in back.

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Porous and Brittle Bones

Technically this condition is also referred as Osteoporosis. The bones become porous as well as brittle and consequently, spine’s vertebrae develop fractures.

Herbs and Back Pain

Earlier Conventional treatment of back pain involved the use of strong pain medications and anti-inflammatories, but it is a fact that pharmaceutical approaches suppress the problem temporarily rather than solving it. Incorporating herbs for back pain coupled with authentic and genuine healing therapies is a much more effective approach to permanent recovery of back pain.

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