If Dandruff Is Troubling You Then Try These Sure Shot Remedies

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If Dandruff Is Troubling You Then Try These Sure Shot Remedies

29 September, 2018

Quick Facts About Dandruff

  • White flakes and itchy scalps are the symptoms of this hair problem
  • Causes behind could be genetic, environment, dry skin etc.
  • If not treated on time, it can turn into head eczema, psoriasis etc.
  • We can control it by following certain simple home remedies and diet plans.


You might have felt embarrassed while you’re caught with the white flakes on your collar. Itching scalp in front of everyone is even more irritating. Yes, it is Dandruff that is the topic for today. This recurring problem has taken a toll on everyone’s life. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment for the same.

What is Dandruff?

In this skin condition, our scalp gets affected badly. Symptoms of it include flaking and itchiness. Even though it is not a serious condition, but people tend to relate it to their looks and self-esteem.

Facts and Figures of Dandruff

As per the survey, half of the overall US population is found to suffer from this problem at some point in their lives. Moreover, it can take place at any age; but most of the times, teenagers and adults suffer from this problem very often.

Causes of Dandruff

Even though the main cause of it is unclear, but it is believed to involve a few genetic and environmental factors.
Other factors include dry skin, sensitivity to hair products, and skin conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis or eczema. The overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus can also cause this hair problem, which can be caused by stress, hormones, too much oil on the scalp, or problems with the immune system.

Symptoms of Dandruff

The symptoms include white flakes of dead skin in the hair and on the shoulders, as well as an itchy, red, or scaly scalp. In seborrheic dermatitis, the symptoms usually appear gradually. The scalp becomes red, dry, greasy, and itchy. After skin cells die, the color of scale becomes yellowish.

Complications related to Dandruff

If not treated on time, this problem can lead to severe hair problem.

  • Redness, itchiness or small nodules on scalp for a longer period
  • Severe hair problems such as eczema, psoriasis etc.

How to Prevent Dandruff

It can be controlled with the proper preventive measures:

  • shampoo frequently
  • try reducing or stopping your use of hair products (e.g., gels and sprays)
  • eat a healthy diet
  • reduce your stress levels

Natural Treatment for Dandruff

Instead of choosing for any harsh chemical-based products from the market, treat this problem naturally. Let’s see what all we can do to get rid of this problem.

Home Remedy

We can easily treat it with the help of the products found in the market or at home:

Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil is proven to have powerful anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help alleviate the symptoms.


Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is often used as a natural remedy for this hair problem. It helps to improve skin hydration and prevent dryness.


Apply Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is believed to help treat different skin and hair conditions. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of Aloe Vera could help protect against this problem.


Minimize Stress Level: Stress itself doesn’t cause this problem, but it can aggravate symptoms like dryness and itching.


Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is also often used as a natural remedy to get rid of it.


Omega-3:Omega-3 fatty acids help in reducing inflammation, which may help relieve irritation.


Baking Soda: Baking soda is a quick, convenient and readily available remedy to help treat this hair disease. It’s believed to act as a gentle exfoliant to remove dead skin cells and reduce scaling and itchiness.

baking soda
Diet Tips

Certain wonder foods are there to help you fight against itching scalp. Maintaining a balanced diet plan would be better to get rid of this problem.

Foods to Eat Foods to Avoid
Eat more leafy and green vegetables Avoid spicy and fried foods
Include foods such as chickpeas, apple, ginger, garlic, banana etc. Do not indulge more on sugary foods
Lifestyle Tips

If you follow certain easy steps on daily basis, then you can get rid of this problem within a short period:

Take care of your environment – During summer, due to the humidity and heat, our scalp sweats a lot. Thus, cleaning hair more frequently is important. On the contrary, during winter due to the dry weather, our scalps get dehydrated. You can always nourish your hair with the help of an olive oil mask or other hair masks.
Shampooing in a proper way – Don’t shampoo your hair just for the sake of shampooing it. Give proper time to your hair so that your pampering gives good result in treating dry and dirty scalp.
Massage your scalp more frequently – Massage your scalp with the help of olive, coconut or almond oil. Put this oil on your scalp with the help of a hair color applicator or dropper directly into your scalp. Massage your head in a proper way. Don’t scratch the scalp with your nails while massaging.

Suggested Exercise/ Yoga

Different yoga poses are helpful in treating the root cause of this problem:

  • Two-legged Forward bend
  • Lying-down Body twist
  • Rubbing nails
  • Shoulder stand
  • Downward-facing Dog pose

You can also practice Pilates to solve this hair problem as it will give you a result in no time.

How Unani Can Help

Although dandruff can be a frustrating problem, there are plenty of natural remedies available that can reduce the symptoms and provide relief. But, sometimes you cannot get the desired result even after following those home remedies religiously. In that case, you need some external help to remove these flakes from your scalp. We recommend you Hakeem Suleman Khan’s H Care hair oil, which can give you speedy relief from this problem.

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